Fresenius Granuflo - MDL 2428

Title Date Document Number File
CMO 1 July 16 2013 CMO 1 - July 16 2013.pdf691.39 KB
Order anticipating appointing Eric Green as Settlement master.png 1759 1759 - Order anticipating appointing Eric Green as Settlement master.png797.57 KB
Ruling on Motion to dismiss 847 847 - Ruling on Motion to dismiss.pdf57.5 KB
Order anticipating appointing Eric Green as Settlement master 1759 1759 - Order anticipating appointing Eric Green as Settlement master.pdf185.77 KB
CMO 3 Discovery and Plaintiff Fact Sheets 13 13 - 11.07.13 - CMO 3 - Discovery and Plaintiff Fact Sheets.pdf3.97 MB
CMO 4 Preservation of Documents 14 14 - 11.15.13 - CMO 4 - Preservation of Documents.pdf236.63 KB
CMO 5 Protective Order of Confidentiality 15 15 - 11.15.13 - CMO 5 - Protective Order of Confidentiality.pdf881.71 KB
CMO 13 Protection of Health Info 645 645 - 06.19.14 - CMO 13 - Protection of Health Info.pdf259.35 KB
Motion to dismiss or for summary judgment in the alternative 792 1_2.pdf40.27 KB, 2_2.pdf8.88 MB
D's motion for a joint daubert_lanigan hearing 1212 1212 - 06.24.15 - D's motion for a joint daubert_lanigan hearing.pdf61.21 KB
P's response to motion for a Joint Daubert Lanigan Hearings in the MDL and related MA state court 1225 1225 - 07.07.15 - P's response to motion for a Joint Daubert-Lanigan Hearings in the MDL and related MA state court.pdf320.49 KB
Assented motion to file expert daubert motions under seal 1284 1284 - 09.10.15 - Assented motion to file expert daubert motions under seal.pdf30.21 KB
Joint Brief in Support of Initial Bellwether Trial Cases 1286 1286 - 09.15.15 - Joint Brief in Support of Initial Bellwether Trial Cases.pdf177.87 KB
Transcript of Day 2 of Daubert hearing 1518 1518 - 10.21.15 - Transcript of Day 2 of Daubert hearing.pdf565.62 KB
Transcript of Day 1 of Daubert Hearing 1517 1517 - 10.21.15 - Transcript of Day 1 of Daubert Hearing.pdf954.49 KB
Transcript of Status Conference and Motion Hearing 1543 1543 - 11.18.15 - Transcript of Status Conference and Motion Hearing.pdf127.36 KB
Status and Scheduling Conference 1542 1542 - 11.18.15 - Status and Scheduling Conference.pdf147.3 KB
Transcript of Status and Scheduling Conference 1544 1544 - 11.18.15 - Transcript of Status and Scheduling Conference.pdf99.51 KB
P's memo in law in support of motion to apply MA law to punitive damages 1561 1561 - 11.30.15 - P's memo in law in support of motion to apply MA law to punitive damages.pdf43.22 KB
Transcript of Day 3 of Daubert Hearing 1558 1558 - 11.30.15 - Transcript of Day 3 of Daubert Hearing.pdf215.53 KB
Assented to Motion to file case specific summary judgment motions under seal 1575 1575 - 12.07.15 - Assented to Motion to file case specific summary judgment motions under seal.pdf212.22 KB
Transcript on Motion Hearing and Pretrial Conference re Lastorka 1647 1647 - 12.22.15 - Transcript on Motion Hearing and Pretrial Conference re Lastorka.pdf349.03 KB
Motion to file Case specific motions and pretrial briefing under seal 1674 1674 - 01.08.16 - Motion to file Case specific motions and pretrial briefing under seal.pdf30.11 KB
P's motion for leave to file opp. to D's MSJ under seal 1675 1675 -01.11.16 - P's motion for leave to file opp. to D's MSJ under seal.pdf42.81 KB
Transcript Daubert and Motions Hearing 1715 1715 - 02.11.16 - Transcript - Daubert and Motions Hearing.pdf672.81 KB
Transcript Day 2 of Final Pretrial Conference 1717 1717 - 02.11.16 - Transcript - Day 2 of Final Pretrial Conference.pdf465.37 KB
Transcript of Day 3 of Final Pretrial Conference 1719 1719 - 02.15.16 - Transcript of Day 3 of Final Pretrial Conference.pdf235.56 KB
Motion to Appoint Eric Green as Global Settlement Special Master 1734 1_3.pdf75.79 KB, 2_3.pdf108.36 KB
Proposed Order Appointing Eric Green as Global Settlement Special master 1738 1738 - 04.18.16 - Proposed Order Appointing Eric Green as Global Settlement Special master.pdf116.95 KB
Transcript of Status Conference 1741 1741 - 05.05.16 - Transcript of Status Conference.pdf147.49 KB
Joint Status Report on Pending Oklahoma Cases 1743 1743 - 05.06.16 - Joint Status Report on Pending Oklahoma Cases.pdf389.76 KB
Proposed Order appointing Eric Green as Global Settlement Master 1747 1747 - 05.19.16 - Proposed Order appointing Eric Green as Global Settlement Master.pdf61.3 KB
Supplement to mtn to appoint Eric Green as Global Settlement Master 1746 1_4.pdf76.2 KB, 2_4.pdf30.01 KB, 3_1.pdf108.64 KB, 4_0.pdf61.11 KB, 5_0.pdf144.59 KB, 6.pdf86.75 KB, 7.pdf99.12 KB, 8.pdf1.8 MB, 9.pdf508.27 KB, 10.pdf122.24 KB
D's Response to PEC's Supplemental Memo in Support of Appointing Global Settlement Master 1748 1748 - 05.24.16 - D's Response to PEC's Supplemental Memo in Support of Appointing Global Settlement Master.pdf36.21 KB
D's response to mtn to appoint global settlement master 1748 1748 - 05.24.16 - D's response to mtn to appoint global settlement master.pdf38.69 KB
Transcript of Scheduling conference and motion hearing 1760 1760 - 06.22.16 - Transcript of Scheduling conference and motion hearing.pdf174.06 KB
Memo and Order Appointing Eric Green as Settlement special master 1762 1762 - 06.27.16 - Memo and Order Appointing Eric Green as Settlement special master.pdf39.48 KB
Supplemental Affidavit of Eric Green 1763 1763 - 06.28.16 - Supplemental Affidavit of Eric Green.pdf101.18 KB
Motion to modify the holdback percentage of the common benefit fund 1765 1765 - 08.08.16 - Motion to modify the holdback percentage of the common benefit fund.pdf168.99 KB
Proposed Amendment to CMO 14 on Common Benefit Fees 1768 1768 - 08.25.16 - Proposed Amendment to CMO 14 on Common Benefit Fees.pdf94.71 KB
PEC's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Settlement Program's Opt in Deadline 1767 1767 - 08.25.16 - PEC's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Settlement Program's Opt-in Deadline.pdf80.92 KB
Revised CMO 14 on Common Benefit Fees 1769 1769 - 09.09.16 - Revised CMO 14 on Common Benefit Fees.pdf262.52 KB
Transcript of Motion Hearing 1771 1771 - 09.16.16 - Transcript of Motion Hearing.pdf159.17 KB
Motion to establish qualified settlement fund and to appoint QSF administrator 1780 1_5.pdf149.25 KB, 2_5.pdf771.47 KB, 3_2.pdf278.09 KB
Order establishing qualified settlement fund 1788 1788 - 10.22.16 - Order establishing qualified settlement fund.pdf1.51 MB
Notice of Withdrawal 1793 1793 - 11.01.16 - Notice of Withdrawal.pdf150.16 KB
PEC's Reservation of Rights and Stmt re Lone Pine Order 1789 1789 - 11.22.16 - PEC's Reservation of Rights and Stmt re Lone Pine Order.pdf102.92 KB
Opposition to D's Lone Pine Order Request 1801 1801 - 12.01.16 - Opposition to D's Lone Pine Order Request.pdf77.78 KB
Opposition to D's motion for Lone Pine Order 1805 1805 - 12.02.16 - Opposition to D's motion for Lone Pine Order.pdf100.16 KB
Transcript of Pretrial Conference 1818 1818 - 01.06.17 - Transcript of Pretrial Conference.pdf103.16 KB