Sulzer Inter-Op Hip Prosthesis - MDL 1401

Title Date Document Number File
Judge Grants Preliminary Approval to Sulzer Settlement Plan, Objectors Appeal 2001.10 - Judge Grants Preliminary Approval to Sulzer Settlement Plan, Objectors Appeal.pdf101.05 KB
Selected Claims Administrator Procedure and Reports Selected Claims Administrator Procedure and Reports.pdf273.85 KB
Order on Settlement Distributions 3345 2009.01.29 - 3345 - Order on Settlement Distributions.pdf233.05 KB
Feratovic Appeal of Claims Determination 2003.10.01 - Feratovic Appeal of Claims Determination.pdf779.35 KB
Order Enjoining Susan Kuhn from Pursuing Malpractice Discovery 2005.10.18 - Order Enjoining Susan Kuhn from Pursuing Malpractice Discovery.pdf254.63 KB
Notice of Special Master Determination 1184 2003.10.02 - 1184 - Notice of Special Master Determination.pdf189.58 KB
Order Appointing Special State Counsel Committee 129 2001.10.22 - 129 - Order Appointing Special State Counsel Committee.pdf23.59 KB
Plaintiffs' Motion for Order Conditionally Certifying b2 and b3 class action 14 1_20.pdf370.43 KB, 2_20.pdf1.18 MB
Objections to Settlement 26 158.61 KB, 2944.61 KB
Order on Subclassing and Amending Class Definition 128 198.3 KB, 229 KB, 322.95 KB, 446.4 KB, 200110~1.PDF96.89 KB
Motion for Order Approving 2d Amendment to Class Settlement 322 154.35 KB, 259 KB
Motion for Approval of Attorney Fee request and Discovery on Attorney fees 379 1610.03 KB, 22.21 MB, 31.62 MB, 4243.43 KB, 5151.19 KB
Claimant Marguerite McNeill's Appeal on Attorneys' fees 773 1124.09 KB, 2193.1 KB, 3254.37 KB, 4127.46 KB, 5101.58 KB, 6290.84 KB, 787.34 KB, 887.25 KB, 9167.65 KB, 1097.28 KB, 1180.26 KB
Letter from Fleiming on Application for Common Benefit Fees 793 1_26.pdf199.33 KB, 2_26.pdf264.4 KB, 3_10.pdf154.49 KB, 4_5.pdf887.16 KB
Notice of Appeal of Claims Adminstrator's Final Determination 791 1463.2 KB, 22.57 MB
Weitz & Luxenburg's Response to Court's order on common Benefit fees 810 1365.74 KB, 2183.35 KB, 3322.65 KB
Claims Administrator's Response to Livingston Notice of Appeal 1196 1144.02 KB, 22.19 MB, 3133.45 KB, 4341.02 KB, 5161.36 KB, 6307.84 KB
Claims Administrator Response to Baker Appeal 1195 1156.91 KB, 21.62 MB, 3161.08 KB, 4304.73 KB
Sulzer's Motion to Obtain Claims Data and info from the Claims Administrator 786 126.28 KB, 241.37 KB
Motion for Approval of Settlement Wind-up Procedures with Claims Data and Report 3255 1168.59 KB, 258.96 KB, 31.05 MB, 4165.29 KB
Motion Permitting Supplemental Distribution from Settlement Trust 3344 160.98 KB, 248.16 KB, 343.04 KB, In_re_Sulzer_Orthopedics_Inc.__325 - 151.66 KB, In_re_Sulzer_Orthopedics_Inc.__325 - 2105.36 KB
Unopposed Motion to FIle Fifth Amended and Consolidated Class Action Complaint 229 2002.03.12 - 229 - Unopposed Motion to FIle Fifth Amended and Consolidated Class Action Complaint.pdf1.78 MB
Memorandum and Order on Class Certification 231 2002.03.13 - 231 - Memorandum and Order on Class Certification.pdf27.13 KB
Confirmation of Oral Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval 237 2002.03.14 - 237 - Confirmation of Oral Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval.pdf6.1 MB
Memorandum in Support of Sulzer Defendants' Motion for Order Certifying Rule 23b3 and Granting Final Approval of Class Settlement 316 2002.03.02 - 316 - Memorandum in Support of Sulzer Defendants' Motion for Order Certifying Rule 23b3 and Granting Final Approval of Class Settlement.pdf17.74 MB
Memo and Order on Notice and Claims Forms 244 2002.03.20 - 244 - Memo and Order on Notice and Claims Forms.pdf20.88 KB
Order Explaining Attorney Fee Calcuation 620 2003.04.02 - 620 - Order Explaining Attorney Fee Calcuation.pdf41.61 KB
Aetna Objection to Final Approval of Class Action 286 2002.04.29 - 286 - Aetna Objection to Final Approval of Class Action.pdf361.63 KB
Transcript of Proceedings 349 2002.05.06 - 349 - Transcript of Proceedings.pdf112.43 KB
Memo and Order on Class Certification 340 2002.05.08 - 340 - Memo and Order on Class Certification.pdf28.22 KB
Memorandum and Order on Settlement 2002.05.08 - Memorandum and Order on Settlement.pdf23.49 KB
Order on Attorneys Fees 2003.06.12 - Order on Attorneys Fees.pdf482.8 KB
Supp. Memo in support of Hackerman's request for common benefit fees 784 2003.06.19 - 784 - Supp. Memo in support of Hackerman's request for common benefit fees.pdf215.12 KB
Response to Order on Common Benefit Fees 783 2003.06.19 - 783 - Response to Order on Common Benefit Fees.pdf683.38 KB
Letter from Blizzard on Status Report of Cases 800 2003.06.24 - 800 - Letter from Blizzard on Status Report of Cases.pdf139.96 KB
Letter from Robinson Calcagnie on Order Witholding Common Benefit Fees 2003.06.26 - Letter from Robinson Calcagnie on Order Witholding Common Benefit Fees.pdf535.42 KB
Proposed Order for Organizational Structure 2 2001.06.29 - 2 - Proposed Order for Organizational Structure.pdf1.27 MB
Order on Common Benefit Fees 367 2002.07.03 - 367 - Order on Common Benefit Fees.pdf331.36 KB
Motion to Enforce Agreement to Settle and Revoke Opt Out 841 2003.07.07 - 841 - Motion to Enforce Agreement to Settle and Revoke Opt-Out.pdf116.18 KB
Order on Common Benefit Fees 378 2002.08.01 - 378 - Order on Common Benefit Fees.pdf324.41 KB
Plaintiffs' Amended and Consolidated Class Action Complaint 2001.08.15 - Plaintiffs' Amended and Consolidated Class Action Complaint.pdf615.91 KB
Sulzer's Motion for Approval of Class Settlement 199 2001.08.15 - 199 - Sulzer's Motion for Approval of Class Settlement.pdf28.25 MB
Joint Proposed Case Management Plan 16 2001.08.16 - 16 - Joint Proposed Case Management Plan.pdf866.94 KB
Sulzer Medica Reaches Novel Class Action Pact 2001.08.16 - Sulzer Medica Reaches Novel Class-Action Pact.pdf292.48 KB
Plaintiffs' Motion to Add Class Counsel 18 2001.08.16 - 18 - Plaintiffs' Motion to Add Class Counsel.pdf228.65 KB
Order Appointing Class Counsel and Setting Objections to Proposed Class 20 2001.08.17 - 20 - Order Appointing Class Counsel and Setting Objections to Proposed Class.pdf23.59 KB
Sulzer Medica AG_ Settlement of Suits 2001.08.20 - Sulzer Medica AG_ Settlement of Suits.pdf285.57 KB
Objections to Class certification 36 2001.08.24 - 36 - Objections to Class certification.pdf879.96 KB
State Court Plaintiffs Objections 38 2001.08.24 - 38 - State Court Plaintiffs Objections.pdf2.08 MB
Objection to Preliminary Approval of Class Settement by Health Benefit Plans 2001.08.24 - Objection to Preliminary Approval of Class Settement by Health Benefit Plans.pdf6.63 MB
Objections to Proposed Class by Mark Robinson 30 2001.08.24 - 30 - Objections to Proposed Class by Mark Robinson.pdf433.49 KB
Objections to Proposed Class 38 2001.08.24 - 38 - Objections to Proposed Class.pdf1.55 MB
Class Action Settlement Agreement 527 2001.08.24 - 527 - Class Action Settlement Agreement.pdf630.01 KB
Plaintiffs' opposition to D's Motion for Order Enjoining Related Litigatin 2001.08.24 - Plaintiffs' opposition to D's Motion for Order Enjoining Related Litigatin.pdf5.12 MB
Order on Class Certification 2001.08.31 - Order on Class Certification.pdf429.69 KB
Public Citizen's Sulzer Amicus Brief II 2001.09.28 - Public Citizen's Sulzer Amicus Brief II.pdf180.37 KB