Pradaxa - MDL 2385

Title Date Document Number File
CMO 79 Modifing CMO 73 as to settlement CMO 79 - Modifing CMO 73 as to settlement.pdf96.25 KB
Pradaxa Case Order 16 establishing common benefit fee and expense fund Pradaxa-Case-Order-16 - establishing common benefit fee and expense fund.pdf120.94 KB
Amended Case Management Order 5 Appointing Defense Leadership Amended Case Management Order 5 - Appointing Defense Leadership.pdf74.19 KB
CMO 68 Modifying pretrial schedule for first bellwether CMO 68 - Modifying pretrial schedule for first bellwether.pdf53.35 KB
Joint Motion for Settlement Implementation Order Lone Pine equivalent 516 05.28. 14 516 - 05.28. 14 - Joint Motion for Settlement Implementation Order - Lone Pine equivalent.pdf109.15 KB
Special Master's Report on Distributing Common Benefit Fees Special Master's Report on Distributing Common Benefit Fees.pdf382.63 KB
CMO 74 Negotiating committee CMO 74 - Negotiating committee.pdf177.31 KB
CMO 88 Phase 1 payment allocations CMO 88 Phase 1 payment allocations.pdf581.83 KB
CMO 16 establishing common benefit fees and expense fund CMO 16 - establishing common benefit fees and expense fund.pdf186.56 KB
CMO 96 Adopting Special Master's Report re surplus funds CMO 96 - Adopting Special Master's Report re surplus funds.pdf87.58 KB
Order Dismissing Sanchez and Cox describing settlement Order Dismissing Sanchez and Cox describing settlement .pdf90.83 KB
CMO 76 Claimant Identification Certification Order CMO 76 - Claimant Identification Certification Order.pdf76.35 KB
CMO 82 Establishing a Qualified Settlement fund for Pradaxa Resolution Program and Appointing QSF Administrator CMO 82 - Establishing a Qualified Settlement fund for Pradaxa Resolution Program and Appointing QSF Administrator.pdf73.3 KB
CMO 75 Common benefit in DE cases for one lead lawyer CMO 75 - Common benefit in DE cases for one lead lawyer.pdf77.38 KB
CMO 41 Appointing Special master CMO 41 - Appointing Special master.pdf70.55 KB
CMO 90 Dismissal for settlement CMO 90 - Dismissal for settlement.pdf71.01 KB
CMO 15 Second amended case management order 15 re Plaintiff Fact Sheet CMO 15 - Second amended case management order 15 re Plaintiff Fact Sheet.pdf52.78 KB
Order on Motion to dismiss in Individual Case 07.25.12 - Order on Motion to dismiss in Individual Case.pdf185.25 KB
CMO 4 Appointing PSC 9.27.12.- CMO 4 - Appointing PSC.pdf81.35 KB
CMO 15 Plaintiff Fact Sheet 2012.10.29 - CMO 15 - Plaintiff Fact Sheet.pdf3.57 MB
CMO 44 Discovery Dispute Conference 263 263 - 09.11.13 - CMO 44 - Discovery Dispute Conference.pdf154.25 KB
CMO 60 Modificaiton of bellwether trial dates 435 435 - 03.05.14 - CMO 60 - Modificaiton of bellwether trial dates.pdf75.16 KB
CMO 62 PSC's Section motions for sanctions after 7th Cir. remand 441 441 - 03.13.14 - CMO 62 PSC's Section motions for sanctions after 7th Cir. remand.pdf84.16 KB
Transcript of Proceedings from May 2 493 493 - 05.05.14 - Transcript of Proceedings from May 2.pdf112.29 KB
CMO 69 Regarding Production of RE LY discovery 500 500 - 05.09.14 - CMO 69 Regarding Production of RE-LY discovery.pdf69.69 KB
CMO 73 Staying All Cases 510 510 - 05.20.14 - CMO 73 - Staying All Cases .pdf66.08 KB
CMO75 fees for negotiating counsel with state court cases 514 514 - 05.27.14 - CMO75 - fees for negotiating counsel with state court cases.pdf61.21 KB
Minute order extending stay indefinitely 515 515 - 05.28.14 - Minute order extending stay indefinitely.pdf83.59 KB
Minute order extending stay indefinitely.png 515 515 - 05.28.14 - Minute order extending stay indefinitely.png391.61 KB
Ex. A of Settlement Implementation request 516.1 516.1 - 05.28.14 - Ex. A of Settlement Implementation request.pdf198.09 KB
CMO 77 Duties of the Claims Adminstrator and Special Master 518 518 - 05.29.14 - CMO 77 - Duties of the Claims Adminstrator and Special Master.pdf75.89 KB
CMO 78 Lone Pine Production Requirements for Nonsettling Plaintiffs 519 519 - 05.29.14 - CMO 78 - Lone Pine Production Requirements for Nonsettling Plaintiffs.pdf66.58 KB
Transcript of Proceedings from July 28 554 554 - 08.04.14 - Transcript of Proceedings from July 28.pdf128.83 KB
Transcript of Proceedings from June 12 553 553 - 08.04.14 - Transcript of Proceedings from June 12.pdf133.31 KB
CMO 83 Change in Funding Requirements Date under Master settlement Agreement 560 560 - 08.26.14 - CMO 83 - Change in Funding Requirements Date under Master settlement Agreement.pdf70.12 KB
Transcript of Proceedings from Aug. 26 561 561 -09.02.14 - Transcript of Proceedings from Aug. 26.pdf135.67 KB
CMO 84 Resolving Private Lien Interests 564 564 - 09.03.14 - CMO 84 - Resolving Private Lien Interests.pdf87.51 KB
Transcript of Proceedings from Sept. 29 585 585 -10.08.14 - Transcript of Proceedings from Sept. 29.pdf183.55 KB
Transcript of Proceedings from Sept. 29 584 584 - 10.08.14 - Transcript of Proceedings from Sept. 29.pdf121.02 KB
CMO 86 Resolution of Cases Involving the Death or Incapacity of a Product User under the settlement 588 588 - 10.21.14 - CMO 86 - Resolution of Cases Involving the Death or Incapacity of a Product User under the settlement.pdf642.35 KB
Transcript of Proceedings from Nov. 12 598 598 - 11.18.14 - Transcript of Proceedings from Nov. 12.pdf134.09 KB
Transcript of Proceedings from Dec. 18 610 610 - 12.23.14 - Transcript of Proceedings from Dec. 18.pdf119.58 KB
CMO 88 Phase One Payment Allocations with settlement amount numbers 611 611 - 12.29.14 - CMO 88 Phase One Payment Allocations with settlement amount numbers.pdf576.61 KB
CMO 90 Order re settlement dismissals 612 612 - 01.09.15 - CMO 90 - Order re settlement dismissals.pdf0 bytes
Transcript of Proceedings from Feb. 18 630 630 - 02.23.15 - Transcript of Proceedings from Feb. 18.pdf122.87 KB
Order of Dismissal with Prejudice 03.27.15 - Order of Dismissal with Prejudice.pdf147.33 KB
Transcript of April 28 proceeings 655 655 - 04.30.15 - Transcript of April 28 proceeings.pdf137.97 KB
Special master's report re cmo 88 reserve funds 685 685 - 09.01.15 - Special master's report re cmo 88 reserve funds.pdf102.31 KB
Dismissal order explaining CMO 78 as a Lone Pine Order 09.10.15 - Dismissal order explaining CMO 78 as a Lone Pine Order.pdf199.68 KB
Order Adopting Special master report and recommendation re reserve funds 690 690 - 09.16.15 - Order Adopting Special master report and recommendation re reserve funds.pdf55.68 KB