Ford Motor Co. Speed Control Deactivation - MDL 1718

Title Date Document Number File
Case Management Order 1 06.15.06 - Case Management Order 1.pdf5.32 MB
Incident P's opposition to lead P's motion for a common benefit fund 1_0.pdf310.79 KB, 2_0.pdf268.92 KB, 3_0.pdf98.83 KB, 4.pdf98.27 KB, 5.pdf294.31 KB
Order Granting D's Motion for Summary Judgment 04.09.12 - Order Granting D's Motion for Summary Judgment.pdf28.47 KB
Stipulation of Partial Record on Remand 04.13.12 - Stipulation of Partial Record on Remand.pdf23.46 KB
Remand order from JPML 04.17.12 - Remand order from JPML.pdf457.03 KB
Order granting dismissal with prejudice 05.24.12 - Order granting dismissal with prejudice.pdf25.15 KB
Stipulated Order dismissing with prejudice individual actions 05.24.12 - Stipulated Order dismissing with prejudice individual actions.pdf20.83 KB
Motion for Common Benefit Fees 1_1.pdf36.39 KB, 2_1.pdf19.37 KB
Ford's Response to Lead and Liaison's Mtn for Common Benefit fees 08.27.12 - Ford's Response to Lead and Liaison's Mtn for Common Benefit fees.pdf25.76 KB
Lead and Liaison Counsel's Reply in support of mtn for common benefit fund 08.30.12 - Lead and Liaison Counsel's Reply in support of mtn for common benefit fund.pdf20.2 KB
Stipulated Order re MDL Document Depository 09.05.12 - Stipulated ORder re MDL Document Depository.pdf273.75 KB
Order on final distribution of common benefit fund 09.05.12 - Order on final distribution of common benefit fund.pdf94.43 KB
Order for Distribution of Common Benefit Fund 10.09.12 - Order for Distribution of Common Benefit Fund.pdf58.54 KB
Suggestion of Remand and Final MDL Pretrial Order for Remanded Cases 04.05.12 - Suggestion of Remand and Final MDL Pretrial Order for Remanded Cases.pdf68.63 KB